Conferences are more than just lectures. That was the clear result of a survey we conducted with hundreds of participants of academic conferences and congresses. In response to the question “What makes a successful conference for you?” the aspects “networking” and “meeting new contacts” were each answered with almost the same importance as “gaining new knowledge from lectures.”
Against the backdrop of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, organizers as well as conference-goers had to get used to virtual alternatives. Born out of necessity, many different creative approaches have popped up in the meantime, seemingly overnight.
Last month, we published our first article on the Coronavirus pandemic (in German only), at a time when it wasn’t recognized as a pandemic. In view of the current situation, some of the statements we made didn’t age well – even if we referred to legitimate sources who since had to rectify their statements, too. The danger was generally underestimated in the beginning, particularly with regard to conferences. Time for an update and some decision guidance for conference organizers.
Have you ever come across check-in terminals in a hotel? At many of these terminals, guests can even book rooms at short notice. Something similar also works well at conferences, where you implement on-site registration at self-service stations. The method has now proven itself in practice. However, organizers should pay attention to a few points beforehand.
Do you know every detail in the contracts you have signed with the provider of your conference software? It’s always better to read the small print for there are providers out there who prefer to follow their own interests rather than to address your needs. Sometimes, you’re even helping it happen by unknowingly providing the data.
It should be well organized and not take too long – check-in. With practical self-service at conferences, event organizers can make this wish come true and also relieve their staff.
If you want to find out more about Converia, we will be pleased to advise you and get back to you with a customized quote, or any other information you might need.